the Goddess: Hera

Hera is a version of a female anatomy project I did for my senior protfolio classes. The model was created to be a nude famale to show my knowledge of anatomy for the female form.
Once that portion was complete I took the project one step further and used Zbrush's Fibermesh to create realistic hair after I painted her body. (Her hair is pinned in a up hair-do so that you can see the work I did for her neck and back.) I also used the Fibermesh to make her eye lashes and brows.
Another class I was taking was Classical Greek Mythology. I loved that class; and so it inspired me to use this model to make Hera. From that point, I made a tradtional Greek Toga with gold clasps( to hold the fabric in place) for her clothing. Even her hair has been decorated with a gold head-ban.